Thursday, February 17, 2011

Got Junk Mail?

Believe or not, junk mail can be a fun, educational tool. I collect it until the grandkids come over. Besides playing "post office", here's a few more ideas what to do with it:
  • Practice writing their name, address and phone number in any blanks and forms given.
  • Practice cutting with scissors on any dotted lines.
  • Cut out and use coupons while doing pretend shopping.
  • Follow any written directions included such as sticking a given sticker in the proper place.
  • Utilize free magnets, colored paper, lettering, etc. for art projects.
Yesterday, I decided to put some cardboard boxes to use to make them a mailbox to play with along with the mail. I found my inspiration from the following link: click here. The postal logo can be found on Google images.

To extend this idea, growing writers can also be encouraged to write letters to family members or friends to put in their mail box.