Thursday, March 3, 2011

3D Pastimes

Here's a way to remember Krishna when reaching for the refrigerator door. It's a collage with a magnet on the back.

3 identical pictures, these came from extra Krishna Art calendars
safety scissors, scissors and or razor knife
1 long strip of magnetic tape per finished collage.
  1. Help children choose what to cut out in regards to background, middle, and foreground. These may be marked where to cut. Simple pictures are also a good idea for the younger set or else an adult can do the more difficult cuts. A razor knife can be used for this purpose, something older students may also be allowed to use. Put the picture on top of a layer of cardboard when cutting, however, in order to protect the work table surface.
  2. Roll pieces of tape into rounded shapes to attach in between layers. This will cause the layers to each stick out a little farther than the one behind it, to give a three dimensional effect.
  3. When finished, attach the magnetic strip to the back of the collage in order to hang it on a refrigerator.