Saturday, December 21, 2013

New Use for an Old Book

Got this idea from reading about "Art Journals" made from old books. Here's a sample:

I don't plan on anything fancy, just a place to write notes. I didn't follow their directions. Just painted over the pages of this old English Grammar book with tempera paint I already had. (Later note: I think I'll try acrylic paint next.. Tempera can get a bit powdery). I did paste on one white paper cutting however.

Here's a page I painted today. I am painting them as I go along, when I have something to write down .  I am doing various colors.

I may try some other ideas from this list:

Another article said I may have to rip out some pages if the book gets too thick from having painted pages, but so far that hasn't been an issue.

This would make a good diary if it were private because the cover still says "English" for third grade, and I doubt many people would be interested enough to pick it up to read!

I may just get bored with it and toss it in the next campfire, but for now I'm having fun exploring possibilities since, after all, it cost me nothing.

Just today I got a mailer from a store printed on paper ideal for painting over, drying and then using in various arts and crafts projects!