Sunday, July 7, 2013

New! Goloka Education

 The following is a link to the work of our ISKCON educator HG Prana Prabhu (Australia/New Zealand) who has recently published a Sanskrit curriculum for educating ISKCON's children and others..

The home page graphics will rotate through the various teaching materials offered, otherwise you can click on the option on the left hand side of the screen


Archeological Update

Srila Prabhupada and now modern archeologists describe there was a widely used trade route from the Bay of Bengal up the rivers of Southeast Asia to China. These routes are lined with temples and cities that are thousands of years old. Angor Wat in Cambodia is confirmed as both a Vishnu temple and a model of the universe based on descriptions from the Vedas. This matters because it is confirmation of the history given in the Puranas and other Vedic literature.

Cambodia's vast lost city: world's greatest pre-industrial site unearthed

 Once Srila Prabhupada was challenged “If Vedic civilization was so advanced, why didn’t they build cars and other modern machinery?” He replied “They were smart enough not to.”